The National operational programme (NOP) “Metropolitan cities 2014 – 2020” was adopted by the European Commission in Decision C (2015) no. 4998 dated 14th July and has a financial allocation amounting to over 892 million Euro, of which 588 million from EU resources: 446 from the Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and 142 from the European Social Fund (ESF); and 304 million from national co-funding.
The Programme, run by the Italian Territorial Cohesion Agency, supports the priorities of the National urban agenda. Within the framework of the sustainable urban development strategies outlined in the Partnership Agreement for programming period 2014-2020, it is in line with the goals and strategies of the European Urban Agenda which identifies urban areas as the key territories to take up the challenges of smart, inclusive and sustainable growth set in the Europe 2020 Strategy.
The metropolitan cities concerned are 14: Turin, Genoa, Milan, Bologna, Venice, Florence, Rome, Bari, Naples, Reggio Calabria, Cagliari, Catania, Messina and Palermo. Main cities are identified as Urban Authorities (UAs), pursuant to art.7 of Regulation (EU) 1301/2013 and take on the role of Intermediate Bodies (IBs) in accordance with an act of delegation made by the Italian Territorial Cohesion Agency, which acts as the Managing Authority (MA) of the NOP.
Program official version