La compilazione richiede circa 20/30 minuti ed è possibile riempirlo fino al 21 maggio. Questo il link per il questionario:
Obiettivo specifico è quello di capire se e come la cultura viene usata dalle città come strumento di inclusione sociale ed i bisogni di ricerca e di sviluppo della conoscenza che le città esprimono su questo tema.
L’elaborazione delle risposte servirà a costruire il quadro delle esigenze delle città su questo ambito per poter sensibilizzare la costruzione dei futuri bandi della Commissione (CE) nell’ambito dei progetti a gestione diretta (Horizon Europe), grazie ai canali di collaborazione e confronto stabilitisi fra le Direzioni Generali della CE interessate e i membri del nostro Partenariato.
Il questionario è stato elaborato anche con il contributo del Partenariato Inclusion of Migrants e Refugees.
Il testo originale in inglese (di Eurocities/Urbact):
The work conducted by Eurocities & Urbact through action 11 of the urban agenda partnership on culture and cultural heritage ‘Local cultural services fostering social inclusion: Identification of cities’ research needs and peer-learning activities’ has been finalised.
Social cohesion objectives and ensuring that culture is made accessible to the greatest number are priorities of most European cities. Links between culture and social inclusion are increasingly known and transversal approaches are developing.
The EU is actively supporting research on culture, through calls for proposals, calls for tenders, studies and research projects (including under Horizon 2020), and many cities have been involved in EU funded research projects and many more are willing to be involved in such projects.
The key question for us is: which research and studies would help local cultural policy makers develop or improve cultural policies that foster social inclusion?
We developed an online survey that is open until Friday 21 May: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/cultureandsocialinclusion
We will use cities’ responses to prepare a list of the most pressing research needs.
We believe that such a list will be inspiring for funders of future research at European level, including the European institutions.
It takes approximately 20 to 30 minutes to complete the survey extensively. Please note that not all questions are compulsory and that you can easily upload documents.
Please note that the survey will be also be sent to Eurocities members and to cities involved in the Urbact ACCESS network (focus on culture and social inclusion).
Thank you very much for your contributions!!